NodeZero Explained

New to cybersecurity & autonomous pentesting? Get the scoop in plain language! Uncover how our cutting-edge tech defends your digital assets, saves cash, and outwits hackers. Below is the beginner’s explanation…

What is NodeZero?

NodeZero is a continuous autonomous penetration testing tool which allows cybersecurity teams to proactively find and fix internal and external attack vectors before attackers can exploit them.


Penetration testing is a cybersecurity technique used to identify, test, and highlight vulnerabilities in an organization’s computer systems, network, or web applications.



Autonomous pentesting is an innovative platform designed to streamline and automate penetration testing (pentesting) processes instantly. By proactively identifying and exposing critical vulnerabilities before potential attackers, it significantly eases the burden on your cybersecurity team while instilling confidence and peace of mind.



NodeZero helps you proactively find, fix, and verify exploitable attack paths resulting from weak credentials, misconfigurations, and vulnerabilities to provide you with a complete view of your organization’s true cybersecurity risk profile across your entire environment.

What does NodeZero do?

  • NodeZero gives you the information you need to understand where your assets are hosted and what third party services they are linked to.


  • NodeZero shows you and with diagrams helps you understand the where the attacks are coming from that lead to a critical impact, so you know exactly what to fix to interrupt the sequence of events leading to a successful attack.


  • NodeZero provides a Risk level assessment so you know what is urgent and what is not, saving you and your team from chasing down un-exploitable vulnerabilities and false positives.


  • NodeZero allows you to continuously evaluate your security posture and provide performance indicators to measure improvement .


  • NodeZero provides detailed reports which are critical to prove compliance with regulatory frameworks and insurance requirements thereby reducing risk further.

Why Use NodeZero?

  • See a full view of your entire security landscape at any time and be “in the know”.


  • Receive Executive Summaries of your security landscape in simple language so you know what your tech department is actually doing and how well they are performing.


  • Allows you to be Proactive to find and fix internal and external attack vectors before attackers can exploit them.


  • Can be run continuously, both internally and externally, providing an immediate understanding of third-party and supply chain risks.


  • Penetration tests can be set up within minutes and executed as often as needed. No extensive tuning, training, or certifications are required, and results are prioritised with proof, so time and resources can be spent fixing only what matters.


  • NodeZero is not a static offering. It is always improving with the latest code to defend or attack exploits.


  • Used by the largest IT companies, Corporate Enterprises and Governments


  • The future of Cyber Security is NodeZero.  NodeZero outperforms all other cyber security products available. Safe. Autonomos. Fast. Verifiable. Adaptable.  If you are not receiving a weekly view of your digital and network landscape then you are missing out.

Autonomos.AI is an Authorized and Certified Partner and Distributor of and NodeZero™ and NodeZeroTM are registered and copyrighted trademarks of Horizon 3 AI. All copyrighted information is used with permission.